Short Curriculum.
From 1983 I realise exclusively nature and travels photo reports. I'm an "historicol contributors" of the Magazine Airone, best geographical italian magazine, with a lot of stories published from 1985 till 2006. The same for Tuttoturismo, first italian tourism magazine, with continous pubblications from 1983 till 2009. During 2005 and 2006 I had an exclusive collaboration with Panorama Travel, best italian tourism magazine, publishing about 1,5 story for each issue. In 2007 and 2008 I worked only for White Star Pubblishers to illustrate two books about France and Berlin. They will be in book stores in september 2009 in five different languages versions. To photograph all France I travelled by road making 70.000 km in 9 months, in different seasons, with my Renault Kangoo Express 4x4, my work vehicle. To photograph Berlin I was in that city for 2 months in different periods of the year. For White Star I had the responsability to totally illustrate , with a lot of liberty to take my own choices and decisions, these two projects produced with a total budget of around 300.000 €.
Other important collaborations are with Mondo del Golf (the World of Golf) Plein Air, Cavallo Magazine (horse magazine), Bellitalia, Gardenia, Oasis (till they decided to use only not payed pictures from not professionals ) Atlante and Natura Oggi. Sometimes I collaborate with Ville & Giardini, Case & Country, Gentleman, Adesso
I'm represented by the agencies Hemispheres (France) and Laif(Germany).
Often I write myself articles of my stories and I'm member of the "Italian professional order of journalists", of G.I.S.T. (Italian group of travel journalists) and EPT (European Travel Press).
I illustrated many books for various pubblishing houses and wrote nine guides about Sicily for De Agostini Editore, Touring Club Editore, Gallimard, Krea. In 2006 I founded my own micro-publishing house "Photosintesi" and I published the volume "Terre d'Aci" with my photos and the text by Roberto Rocca rey, one of best known italian travel journalists.
I make also some documentaries for the TV networks RAI, Mediaset and Cavallo Channel.
I'm an expert in ecotourism and I collaborate with some specialised tour operators In 1991, in collaboration with Airone magazine, I had sent around 120 italian eco tourists to visit some nature Reserves of russian far est. They were the first tourists in the world to visit Kunashir(Kurily islands), Kronostky (kamthatka) and Risky Korsakoff (gulf of Vladivostock).